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Author: Kerry Dougherty

Village Board Meeting and Public Hearings (Property Maintenance and Local Law Extending Terms) October 12, 2021 at 8:00 PM

( ) 1 roanoke drive approval of house of worship updated

( ) 17 Sleepy Hollow 29 31 mountain approval of house of worship updated

( ) 1233 Route 208 approval of house of worship updated

10.12.2021 village board regular meeting agenda

10.12.2021 updated village board regular meeting agenda

10.12.2021 updated public hearing property maintenance

10.12.2021 village board public hearing extending terms 2 to 4 years proposed local law

10.12.2021 public hearing property maintenance

Local Law 2 of 2021 – Chapter 22 -terms of office

( ) Resolution setting a ph for property maintenance 11.09.21

( ) Resolution – authorizing WIIA water rehabilitation

( ) Resolution to go out to bid for Pine Hill road rehabilitation

( ) Resolution adopting local law extending terms final 10.12.2021

( ) Resolution extending 2020 CDBG project and go out to bid

( ) Resoltuion authorizing the mayor to enter into developers agreement SBG Business Park

( ) Resolution declaring lead agncy and refer to Planning – 13 Dallas Drive

( ) Resolution declaring lead agncy and refer to Planning – 30 Merriewold Ln South

( )Resolution – Emergency Water Use 10-8-21

( ) Resolution awarding water well permit for SBG Bus Park 223-1-4

( ) 1233 Route 208 approval of house of worship

( ) 1 roanoke drive approval of house of worship

( ) 17 Sleepy Hollow 29 31 mountain approval of house of worship




Loss of water and/or pressure in Village of South Blooming Grove

15-36 Hawthorne Drive

7-37 Pine Hill Road

Green Road



Bring tap water to a rolling boil, boil for one minute, and cool before using.  Or use bottled water certified for sale by the New York State Department of Health.  Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, washing dishes, brushing teeth, and preparing food until further notice.

This Boil Water Notice applies to customers 15-36 Hawthorne Drive, 7-37 Pine Hill Road and all of Green Road

At about 9:00am this morning, Wednesday, 9/29/21, due to repairs to a broken water main valve, the water system lost water and/or pressure.  When a water mains lose water and/or pressure it increases the chance that untreated water and harmful microbes can enter your water.

Harmful microbes in drinking water can cause diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches, or other symptoms and may pose a special health risk for infants, some elderly, and people with severely compromised immune systems.  But these symptoms are not just caused by microbes in drinking water.  If you experience any of these symptoms and they persist, you should seek medical advice.

Water service was restored on September 29, 2021. Samples to lift the boil water order are being taken today and tomorrow and results may be available Saturday at the earliest.

It is likely that you will need to boil water for the next few days until we receive the results of samples.  You will be informed when tests show that you no longer need to boil your water. Updates and future notices will be posted on the Village’s website @villageofsouthbloominggrove.com.

For more information, please contact:

Village Water Department at (845) 783-4622, Village Hall at (845) 782-2600 or the Orange County Health Department at (845) 291-2331.


Please share this information with other people who drink this water, especially anyone who may not get this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses).

You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.

Public Hearing Proposed Local Law Extending Terms of Mayor and Trustees – October 12, 2021 at 8:03 PM

10.12.2021 public hearing notice extending terms of mayor and trustees

Village of South Blooming Grove



Zoom Webinar

Date: Tuesday October 12, 2021

Time: 8:03 p.m.

 Webinar ID: 893 4760 7014

Passcode: 656456

Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Passcode: 656456

Or One tap mobile :

US: +19292056099,,89347607014#,,,,*656456#  or +13017158592,,89347607014#,,,,*656456#


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing will be held via Webinar Webinar ID: 893 4760 7014 Passcode: 656456 by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of South Blooming Grove on Monday, October 12, 2021, at 8:03 p.m. for the Village located at State Route 208, Monroe, New York 10950, regarding proposed local law extending the terms of Mayor and Trustees from two (2) year terms to four (4) year terms subject to permissive referendum.


All persons interested in being heard are invited to attend the webinar and provide comments.  Anyone wishing to supply written comments can do so by submitting the same at the time of the public hearing, or by mailing comments to Village Hall, P.O. Box 295, Blooming Grove, New York 10914, so as to be received by noon on the date of the Public Hearing.


The Village of South Blooming Grove will make every effort to assure that the Public Hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities.  Anyone requiring special assistance and/or reasonable accommodations should contact the Village Clerk.


Dated:  September 13, 2021




DUE TODAY – SEPTEMBER 13, 2021– Hurricane Ida Update Regarding Funds for Households that Suffered Damage


*******DUE TODAY – SEPTEMBER 13, 2021*****


— Hurricane Ida Update —



Dear Village Residents,


We are working with the Orange County Office of Emergency Management and with FEMA to get funds for individual households in the village that suffered damage from Ida, which should include funding for recovery of damages, cleanup and repairs.

There is no guarantee yet for funding and/or an approximate amount per household/incident, but we’re doing our best to maximize the data collection for recovery purposes.


Please click on this link to submit your application today!




Time is of the essence as we have to submit the applications by Monday, September 13 in the evening.


We will keep you posted with further updates as they become available.



George Kalaj




notice regarding IRA FEMA aid

Village Board Regular Meeting and Public Hearing – September 13, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Zoom Link:


09.13.2021 village board regular meeting agenda

09.13.2021 village board public hearings agenda

( ) Resolution scheduling Budget Workshop 10.25.21 and Public Hearing 11.08.2021

( ) Resolution setting public hearing for adoption of local law 2 year term to 4 year term

( ) Resolution creating a comprehensive plan special board

( ) Resolution setting a ph for property maintenance 10.12.21

( ) Resolution setting ph for 55 mangin to enter sewer district 10.12.21 rescheduled from prior date

( ) Resolution property maintenance bellville – 359 Lake Shore Drive

( ) Resolution property maintenance bellville – 4 Hawthorne Drive

( ) Resolution property maintenance bellville – 3 Hawthorne Drive