Fire Safety
Village Snow Plowing Regulations
- No Parking on any Village Roadways during stated/posted Snow Emergency.
- All Vehicles should be kept a minimum of 5’ behind the curb face/roadway edge to allow for snow plowing activities.
- Remove ALL garbage cans, portable basketball nets and any other structure that will hamper plowing activities from the Municipal Roadway.
- Do not push/place the snow from your private driveways or property into the Municipal Roadway.
- All mailboxes need to be of “Structural Integrity” to withstand Municipal Snow Plowing.
The Village and Highway Department will not be responsible for:
- “Structurally Deficient” mailbox structures. Any concrete mailbox, light post structures etc. must be a minimum of 5’ behind the curb face/roadway edge as not to hamper plowing activities.
- Any damage within the Municipal Right of Way for those residents that choose to disregard these important regulations.
Please review the Clovewood development’s DEIS (draft environmental impact statement) at view (
renovations Village Hall before
Renovations are taking place at Village Hall
Effective, April 8, 2019
Residents will not be allowed to:
Water lawns, gardens, trees or shrubs with a sprinkler or irrigation system.
Wash down outdoor surfaces such as exterior sidewalks, driveways or walkways.
Use water for filling outdoor decorative features, fountains,
Residents running remote sprinklers or irrigation will be cited.
Residents may use hand-held watering containers (watering cans, buckets, etc.) to water plants, shrubs, flowers, containers, gardens and lawns. Watering is encouraged in the early morning or late at night is best to avoid any possible evaporation.
Residents may water during the following days:
Odd-numbered addresses, 7:00 am to 9:00 am or 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Tuesday and Thursday ONLY
Even-numbered addresses, 7:00 am to 9:00 am or 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Monday and Wednesday ONLY
Residents are encouraged to use rain barrels, which collect rainwater and can be used for lawn watering, plant watering, and other garden needs.
Residents are strongly discouraged from planting new sod and are strongly encouraged to postpone planting of ALL new shrubs, flowers, trees, gardens and other landscaping until conditions subside. Aerating and overseeding of established/existing lawns is strongly discouraged. If residents have already seeded their lawns, they are allowed to water only on their designated day and hand water on other days. No exceptions will be made during restrictions.
Water runoff is strictly prohibited. This applies to both irrigation and hand watering. Watering pavement and sidewalks is a wasteful use of a precious resource during such a critical water shortage.
Residents applying for new hydrant water taking permits must apply for a variance from the water restrictions from the Village Board. Existing hydrant water taking permit holders may continue to draw water from designated locations.
Washing automobiles, boats, watercraft or other vehicles is prohibited during this water restriction.|
Pressure washing businesses that use their own water tank, with water supplied from an alternate source such as a well, may operate in the Village during this period. During this critical water shortage, customers are encouraged to postpone home improvement or other projects that may require pressure washing.
Residents should eliminate the use of water to maintain ornamental fountains, artificial waterfalls, reflection pools and decorative water bodies for aesthetic or scenic purposes, except for the minimum amount of make-up water necessary to support aquatic life.
Residents are not allowed to fill, Swimming pools, wading pools or hot tubs.
For questions about these STAGE 2 water restrictions, Village Residents may call Village Hall at (845) 782-2600. The mandatory water ban allows the Village to continue providing adequate water to all residents that receive municipal water. If demand increases substantially due to noncompliance with the guidelines, a total water ban may be implemented. Thank you for your participation in preserving this most precious and limited natural resource.
New Water Filtration System
The Village of South Blooming Grove will be implementing a new water filtration system to alleviate high iron and manganese. The project will be officially unveiled at the village’s April 8th board meeting which will take place at the South Blooming Grove Firehouse at 7pm. The residents of South Blooming Grove have been dealing with discolored water for years. The discoloration occurs when the elements found in the water are mixed with chlorine which is a necessity in all public drinking water. Although the water is deemed safe to drink, its light brown appearance makes it aesthetically unappealing. (more…)